Now just why did I do this? Well, at work we got a 686 machine with a PPro logo put on the outside of it. The logo was a completely obvious addon hack. We installed Linux on it to use it as a firewall. I don't like that dumb little logo on machines, so I took it home, scanned it, and spent several hours retouching it into what it is today. I heard about the last guy to make a logo like this. Intel got on his case. I however have a defense: This logo is protected under the satire nature of print. If you look closely, I offer several varieties of images, all the same except for the trademark. One has a G for GNU copyleft, another has a backward C for copyleft, and another has the word GNU. I feel that this is in spirit with the nature of Linux.
A little bit about how I did it:
I scanned it in at 600 DPI, converted it to grayscale, thresholded it, played with the letters (had to make the x myself), then I resized the image, smoothed the edges, and ran it through the 'despeckle' filter of XV, re-thresholded it, and made several high rez Postscript files for printing via ghostscript on my HP Laserjet III.
Below you'll find several varieties of Linux logos. I have 5 Postscript, printer ready images. 2 of them are perfect size fits for a T-shirt (just print it and take it to your local Kinko's). The other 2 are just a really big 300 DPI fully page ones, and a sheet that will print 60 logos on a Avery 8690 on an HP Laserjet III. The rest are just GIFs that you can download and do with what you wish. Anyhow, I printed up a bunch on clear labels, and stuck one on the front of our firewall machine, which will be located in a colocation center.