# Makefile for minimum Win32 application written in Turbo Assembler # # George Cross, Borland C++ Developer Support, May 1997 # # Build using, # # make builds the debug version # make -DRELEASE builds the non-debug version # # We use /ap to the linker to make the .exe open a console # # In the least, if not using any startup code, you must have something # allocated in the data segment and you must import at least one # Windows API function. # # ILink32 causes the error about missing __turboFloat and __setargv__ so # you need to add dummy versions. TLink32 doesn't have this problem. # ASM = $(MAKEDIR)\tasm32.exe LINK = $(MAKEDIR)\ilink32.exe PROJ = minasm32 OBJS = $(PROJ).obj TFLAGS = /ml /l LFLAGS = /c /L$(MAKEDIR)\..\lib /ap !if $d(RELEASE) TFLAGS = $(TFLAGS) LFLAGS = $(LFLAGS) !else TFLAGS = /zi $(TFLAGS) LFLAGS = /v $(LFLAGS) !endif $(PROJ).exe: $(OBJS) $(LINK) @&&| $(LFLAGS) + $(OBJS) $& #target #map file import32 #libs #module definition file #resource file | .asm.obj: $(ASM) $(TFLAGS) $& clean: del *.obj *.exe *.lst *.map *.@@@ *.t?2 *.il? *.td?