# MAKEFILE for ActiveX SDK Sample Framer, an ActiveX Document container # # George Cross, Borland C++ Developer Support, January 1997 # # Comments: Makefile for Borland C++Builder. # # Not dependent on BUILTINS.MAK, BCC32.CFG, TLINK.CFG, PATH or # any other environment variables. # # MAKE Static version of the RTL used # MAKE -DDEBUG Debug version # # Changes: # -------- # # The following are the changes necessary to the Framer sample source # files in order to build it with Borland C++Builder. # # 1. framer.h # Don't #include . Borland's C++ tools don't have wchar.h. # Any wide character RTL function declarations are kept in same header # as the regular ANSI counterpart. # # 2. framer.rc # Don't #include . Borland's C++ tools don't have it. # # .autodepend #these directives tell MAKE to compare time/date .cacheautodepend #of ALL files (.h,.cpp,.c...) which build an obj. #These are not effective if the obj is built #with the -X option BCC = $(MAKEDIR)\bcc32.exe TLINK = $(MAKEDIR)\tlink32.exe BRCC = $(MAKEDIR)\brcc32.exe PROJ = FRAMER OBJS = $(PROJ).obj iadvsink.obj iclisite.obj \ idocsite.obj iipsite.obj site.obj RESES = $(PROJ).res CDEFINES = -DSTRICT \ -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE INCDIR = $(MAKEDIR)\..\include #Include path LIBDIR = $(MAKEDIR)\..\lib #Library path CFLAGS = $(CDEFINES) -I$(INCDIR) /c -w-par -w-aus #Compile options LFLAGS = /Tpe /aa /c /L$(LIBDIR) #Link options RFLAGS = #Resource compile options !if "$(DEBUG)" == "1" #Debug info included or not CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -v LFLAGS = $(LFLAGS) /v !endif RTLLIB = cw32mt $(PROJ).exe: $(OBJS) $(RESES) #Target $(TLINK) $(LFLAGS) @&&| c0w32 $(OBJS) #Startup and objs $& #Target #Map file $(RTLLIB) import32 #Static and import libraries #Module definition file $(RESES) #Resources | .cpp.obj: $(BCC) $(CFLAGS) $& .rc.res: $(BRCC) $(RFLAGS) $< clean: @del $(PROJ).exe *.obj *.map *.res *.csm